Zivilingenieur für Lebensmittel- und Gärungstechnologie


Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger


Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef Dörfler

Oberer Gries 22

3281 Oberndorf an der Melk


T: +43 7483 7110

M: +43 676 371 35 70

E: office@zt-doerfler.at

For conseptional design and planning of process stages ZT Dörfler sets great attention upon economic efficiency and functionality of the process. Professional project management and compliance with experiences from practice are self-evident.
Each (biotechnological) production process is comprising of following steps:
 Raw Material Processing
  Product Manufacturing
  Separation and Purification in Main- and By-Products
Depending on the tasks turnkey - projects are jointly developed and implemented with renowned, internationally experienced firms.